23 June 2012

I Love You Sincerely

"Mungkin ku tak akan bisa jadikan dirimu kekasih yang seutuhnya mencinta. Namun ku relakan diri bila hanya setengah hati kau sejukkan jiwa ini..."

Feeling familiar with that words? I am not gonna play guessing game with you guys. If you feel so familiar after reading that, I may tell you. Itu memang lirik sebuah lagu. Lirik lagunya Ada Band - Setengah Hati.

I really love the lyric, not the whole song. Just that part. Tau lah ya lagu itu uda ada sejak tahun berapa, uda lama banget. Dan potongan lirik itu masih stuck di pikiranku sampai sekarang. Like a spell, the words have their own magic. I was like hypnotized. Begitu dipahami lagi, ngeneeeeees juga ternyata kalo ngalamin yang kayak gitu. Naudzubillahi min dzalik.

The lyric taught us about sincerity. In love. Kerelaan tertentu, unconditional love. Really hard to apply that in your real life. Especially when your special one go away from you. Leave you alone. Broken-heart condition, hurted. Hahahahaha aku pernah mengalami yang seperti itu, tapi nggak parah sih. Dan bukan dengan 'special one' -ku. So it wasn't really torturing.

And now I have my real special one. hehehehe. But to be honest, I am afraid of losing him lately. 
See ya another time, bloggos.

PS: I love you sincerely. To my bf.

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