20 February 2011

GOTCHA! I've Found You :p

Heyyaaaa world! 
Welcome back with me here, on my online journal. What's your bussiness lately? I mean things that really make you busy until feel-like-can't-breath. Do you have any? I have one, not really drain my time but busy enough. I with my couple of friends are organize a mid-term activity, which is always held after examination. But, this time we hold this event earlier, just to fill the three-free days. Did I say 'free day of school'? Yeah, I really mean it. What a surprise actually, extra bonus in my school!    \(´▽`)/

It doesn't happen without a reason, ofc. My eleven grader seniors are going to have a trip to Bali. Kinda such a routine when we enter the eleven grade. And some teachers are going to come with them. Then the twelve graders are still staying at school, 'eating' lessons. There are only we left, the ten graders, so I and some friends as members of Students Organization will take care of it. It's really tiring, but cool! Ahahaa wish we luck and can organize this well ;)

Anyway, talk about love... there's nothing :D Yeah, still the same, no desire in having boyfriend. Yet. But, you may know, I think I'm interested in someone. Yahohoooo  ~(‾▿‾)~
A bit description, he's my class neighbor. Our class adjacent. He's impressive and looks really gentle. Kind, cheerful, and talkative enough. Orangnya humoris dan JAIL banget  (¬_¬") Aku udah tau dia dari awal sih, tapi cuma sekedar tau. Dan baru dekat akhir-akhir ini, as friends. Teman curhat, tepatnya. Kita share masalah cukup banyak dan saling memberi nasihat. Sifatnya yang jail itu bikin aku kesel abis -___-" Dia OSIS juga kayak aku, sekarang jadi ketupel KTS (Kegiatan Tengah Semester). Sempet aku ditunjuk dia jadi sekretarisnya, tapi noway deh yaa lagi capek-capeknya hh. 

Bad news-nya adalah.. He's already taken. Unavailable! Oh c'mon babe, I'm loving a wrong person. Hubungan dia sama si pacar yang notabene masih kelas 9 SMP cukup lama, setahun 4 bulan. Tapi ricuh, banyak masalah, dan sering tengkar ga jelas. Dia curhat banyak tentang itu ke aku, bikin panas aja :o Haaah really bad :( Tapi no problem lah, tujuanku kenal dia nggak buat pedekate kok, rasa suka ini muncul sekarang-sekarang aja. Dan belum tumbuh besar, jadi harus cepet-cepet dikontrol.
Okay, world enough today's posting. Seeya later with another 'him' story! :p


1 comment:

Deddy Junawan said...

bahasa oinggris semua